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"The Presence of a Doula is a


major advantage for physicians,


the woman and their families.


They provide a level of support


that is often very difficult to


achieve in a busy maternity


care service. We see increased


satifaction with the birth


experience, lower intervention


rates and excellent infant




Dr. Michael C. Klein,

MD, CCFP, FAAP (neonatal-

perenatal), FCFP, ABFP,

FCPS, Emeritus Professor Family Practice & Pediatrics University British Columbia, Sr. Scientist Emeritus, Ctr Developmental Neurosciences & Child Health. Child & Family Research Institute.


Used with permission

 Used with permission


Pregnancy is the most precious and


beautiful moment of a woman's life.


Before you know it that time will be over


and your new baby will be looking at you


for the first time!


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Who are we for?

Doulas are for woman with or without partners.

We support birthing visions including epidurals, augmentation, inductions and

unmedicated deliveries.

Some woman plan their birth with a list of important details while others plan to 'go with the flow'; still others choose to find a median.

'The Three Doulas' do not endorse any specific birth method. 'The Three Doulas' do not pass on information that belongs to the mother and father.

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